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2020-It's not just for vision anymore.

I spent 3 mins reminiscing about Y2K just now, thinking that this end of the decade started with a whimper of near panic about “what would happen to all those computers!?”  Yes, I realize that’s 20 years ago, not 10. Decades move differently when you’re old and such.  There’s a fluidity to it that bounces between “that was an eternity ago” to “that felt like last week”.

This morning you arrived into a new decade. So what about it? Why is today different than last Wednesday? If I may, I’d argue against my previous stance that a New Year, while not a signalling of a New You, can be positive and with positivity comes possibility, and that, is good.

Over the past week I had a prolific amount of ideas and writing pour forth. Some good, but a healthy amount of grumpy too. The first paragraph was part of it. Y2K, that was rich. I had a friend who may have been a heavy pot smoker who was ready for the apocalypse, or shut down, or whatever. We took great pains to make fun of him. Especially on New Years Day when we all awoke to nothing. He may still be working through his stock pile of toilet paper.

For the second year in row I didn’t make many NYNM (new year, new me) goals. Keeping on keeping on is a goal enough some days. I did start a 100 runs in 100 days challenge that is being picked up by a ton of friends and strangers alike. You are free to join our group as well. Before you say “I can’t” please know it can be walking/running/cycling/swimming etc. It’s about consistency and moving, not breaking the 2:00 mark in the marathon. If you’re interested, CLICK HERE and ask to join.

I will make some deeper goals over the next few days. The good part of this time of the year is there is time to slow down and think a little. To think about WHY we want to do things we do as much as arbitrarily decide we are going to do them. WHY we want to do things matters for any sort of long term success. Alignment with who we see ourselves or for the vision we have of our future.

Today is also a quiet time to reflect and plan without pressure to “set a goal before the end of the year”. Last year at this time, I sat and started writing a little bit. One simple post that has actually really changed some things about me.

If you’ve read much of this over the last year, you’ll have noticed a theme of dissatisfaction that runs throughout. A deep urge to matter on a larger scale. A need to improve and change. To change. To change. To change.

This need to be something more is exhausting and I’d like to say that at the least, I am more aware of how good things are for me. I also know that this is how I will always be. A push and pull against something more and what I am, which I perceive as something less. I think we are all this way. I also think that if you live like this forever, you get to the end and you enjoyed nothing. I’d be remiss if I didn’t say that sucks.

Over the last year I have enjoyed a lot of things though. Spending time with my family and friends, pushing myself physically, becoming better at writing, starting a new band and writing music again, being a part of a successful business, coaching and helping others enjoy sport and achieve goals, made new friends and reconnected with old ones, read, learned and improved. Shit, I threw an axe and hit the bullseye on the first shot. When I look at it like this, 2019 kicked 2018 in the dick.

It’s the lens, right? Like a camera, you have to zoom out. The zooming gives us a chance to have perspective, and perspective gives us some objectivity, which hopefully lets us see our world how others may see it. As massively successful on most scales. Moderately on others, and in some instances, yes, it shows us our shortfalls. Nobody is perfect, but maybe this year we can use that objectivity to see where we need to improve as just that, something to get incrementally better at, not a glaring failure of self.

So I’m hopeful everyone reading this can take the time in the coming days to zoom out a little. To see the good among the perceived and read “bad” and decide WHY or IF they want and need to change things. I hope that if you aren’t finding as much joy as you want, that you ALLOW yourself to feel a little more.

I look forward to seeing you back here tomorrow, and thank you for 2019, you were a part of my growing joy for this life I get to live.
