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Too late?

Gary Vaynerchuck annoys the eff out of me.  Maybe it’s because he never shuts up and that’s for sure a piece of it, but it’s also because he’s right a lot and he makes you look in the mirror and face up to the brutality of where you are at this moment. He’s a broker in honesty, and that I feel we share at the least a commonality. His hammer is sledge. Mine is velvety sledge. Does a small layer of pretty cloth dampen the damage when it hits you in the face? 

I’ve read his stuff and liked it. I’ve also watched a video here and there and have to turn him off. It’s all a bit much sometimes and I’m not 100% on board with 24–7 the interaction he employs. That being said. Today I agree with him. 

I was waking out the door to work for the day. I slept in and have to both cook meals for our stores as well as fit in an 8 mile run. My fault for not getting up early, but this week will be a tough one time wise so I got the sleep when I could.  I was feeling overwhelmed and I hadn’t even started today. Not awesome. 

I picked up my phone and opened up the book of faces. There was haggard ass Gary V looking ready to jump my shit. Not this morning...

Instead though I put it on mute and subtitles came up. Much better. The gist of it was that a lot of people think they are too old to make any kind of change. Being up there, I both understand the notion as well as defy it. 

His example was that a lot of people in their 50s have thrown in the towel because they are too old. The times have passed them by. They’ve lost too many opportunities/years/dreams. This is simply not true. 

My dad started over at 55 and crushed it for 30 more years and as he liked to say. “Misery is a choice.”

You have a choice. 

Choose a way. 

Try again. 

Fuck it up. 

Try again. 

You have the power to decide. 

It’s not easy, but what’s your other option?  

Go get it today. 
