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The 86,400 second lie

If I’ve seen it or said it once. It’s likely I’ve read it 1000 times. It usually goes something like “there’s (x) amount of hours (or minutes) in a week, live each day to its fullest. Most days this feels like some sort of insane  luxury only available to kids on summer break and the mega rich. It’s exhausting and I’m complicit in it’s spread. 

Of course we want to “dance like nobody’s watching,” and other footloose and fancy free euphemisms. Newsflash, that’s not real life. If we can stop and recognize a moment or two a day, let’s call that a big win. 

Don’t get me wrong. We should strive to be aware. To get the most out of every day. But the pursuit of happiness and fulfillment can be as exhausting as the 9-5 daily grind. Let’s add some pressure to every minute we are awake. That’s smart and productive. 

I was riding down river road yesterday on my bike. It was beautiful out and I was trying to relax a little, but it really wasn’t working. Lately, my so called escape has turned into “I should be working” or   “Quiet time to really focus on all the the stress in my life.”  Super awesome. 

But it’s our own damn fault. For whatever reason we have created this 24 hour pursuit of “happiness” and “living big” and neither it’s at the same time unattainable nor sustainable and its making Or lives worse. 

Now don’t worry, I’m not going all negative Nely on you. I do believe the idea of being aware and spreading positivity is good. I believe we should be thankful we have the good things in our lives. But damn if I’m able to “live my best life 24-7.”

If you figure out how, let me know. 
