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I almost never write on my computer. I went into this ad nauseam in a post back in 2021 sometime. I am faster typing on my phone with my thumbs than actually typing regular. This is an odd thing to discover, but here I sit, clunky and slow with all 10 digits pounding away. This is just an observation I can’t help but talk about, but it has nothing to do with what’s next. That’s about music. Well, kind of. It’s about me noticing things (also exhaustively chronicled here) about music, shows in particular.


Over the last 6 months or so, I’ve made a small effort to go check out live music again. I have tried to be more open minded and not just go see people I want, but have also attended a couple of shows with my daughter as well as my wife.

Am I misremembering shows in the 90’s? I mean, when did live music get so nice. No one pushing or shoving for a spot, fighting to get back to the front with more beers. Sweating profusely at packed venues. And volume. Mostly stage volume (how loud the band’s amps and such are).


I get it. We should all strive to be better people, and maybe improve our behavior, but damn, I feel like a music show was equal parts seeing the band, but also showing your prowess and getting to the front, regardless of who was in your way. Just because you got a spot up front, doesn’t mean you kept it, unless you guarded it with your life. It was borderline violent at times, but that was great. Sure, fire codes may have been ignored, but we all made it out alive.

The courtesy shown at shows these days is makes me feel like I should be the bad guy just a little, but shit, it’s turning me into a nice guy! “Hey, need me to stand with my legs out so I am 5’6 instead of 6’1?” “Can I get to the very back, I can see anyway!?” “Hey, I’m going to the bar, let me get everyone drinks!” What the actual fuck?


The second thing is stage volume. I have been to a couple shows of late that the band is so quiet on stage that between songs, the whole venue can hear the band talking to each other. It’s so bizarre. When I go to a show, I want you to play a Marshall half stack and tear the paint of the walls.

I want hearing loss. I deserve hearing loss. I PAID FOR HEARING LOSS!!

Thankfully, last night Drivin N Cryin gave me a good dose of it.


I have also come to the conclusion that I may have just been drunk back then and it wasn’t like this, but I feel like it was. From being on stage playing, to going to see bands, there was an energy in the rooms almost every time.

Hell someone looked at me funny for singing every word to the songs I know (almost too loudly apparently) last night. I know that the show was for mostly old people but shit, live a little you old farts.

This concludes this session of “You know what really bugs me” by Pat Fellows.

Have a nice rest of your weekend.
