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Let me get to the point. I ruin everything. I do. Its like I can't help myself. Specifically though. I ruin food and listening to peoples BS about why they aren't healthy or why they can't. It's a gift. I consider myself bless-ed.

I have applied this idea of "the pendulum" and its tendency to correct or over correct a lot on this internet writing thing. About outrage, about justice, about behaviors we accept. Today, I will jump back on this example with the following.

We as a culture have let the pendulum swing all the way to the edge of eating a diet consisting of complete garbage. We defend it as comfort. We defend it as too busy. We defend it as not that bad. And 70% of our population is overweight or obese. SEVEN. TY. PER. CENT.

For a long time I railed against this constantly. Living in the deep ass dirty south, the constant barrage of gluttony slowly broke my spirit down. My evangelism for telling you the good word wavered and I shut up a little bit about it.

Then I didn't hear anyone yelling. No one (or not enough people) had picked up the megaphone and kept screaming.  There was too much else to worry about. That or the voices were vapid Instagram influencers selling something. A diet. A shake. Whatever.

And so. I'll keep yelling.


The answer to feeling better has two sides, and I'll always advocate for exercise. The myriad  health benefits from simply walking or moving 20-30 mins a day are well documented. They include cardiovascular, mental, as well as metabolic. We were built to move. This is not me saying you have to do an Ironman. This is me saying walk your dogs 30 mins. Do some body weight based strength training. Yoga, skateboard, take the stairs, fuck all do something, anything. This will immediately make you feel better.

But FOOD is the game changer. The force multiplier.

Quit making excuses about it. Quit saying it's no big deal, verbally or through your actions.

Quit ordering milkshakes at coffee shops and saying it's coffee.

Cook real food. Vegetables. Protein. Natural starches.

Want to take it further. Add in some organics.

An author named Michael Pollan put it pretty simply in his book, In Defense of Food

"Eat real food. Mostly plants. Not too much."

And go walk the dogs again.

You need it.
